Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hehe, 25th post.

Where to start?
Alright, so I went to L.A. today for my blister-causing class(justkeedingXD).
On the way up there, I saw van full of chickens.
Yes, yes, chickens.
They were all brownish, with a red waddle thing.
Twas funny!
But then I got sad, because I think I know where they were headed.
And then I think I craved chicken.
I know I'm a reaally bad person.
And, then when I got to class, my new teacher thought I was eleven.
And she knew Shayla was my sister.
Okay, let's step back a little--My sister turned eleven(yeah, yeah, happy birthday >w<)
a few days ago; she turned eleven.
I was sitting right next to Shayla, and my cruel, cruel(justkeedingagain) teacher asked us both if we were eleven.
I guess the inch I grew over the summer didn't count for anything.
Okay, according to my mother, Shayla is clever and I'm intelligent, but not street-smart.
Whatever that means.
But I found out a few days ago that Shayla is, although dumber than me(sorry, Shayla), she,um, knows the ways of the world.
As in the cycle of life thing.
It's kind of weird to be talking about this, not to mention embarassing, but I shall continue!
Okay, I know how babies are made, or at least I thought so, until Shayla clarified some things for me.
Not only am I ashamed that my little sister knows this and I didn't, but I am also scarred for life.
I think I get some of jokes Robert told me now.