Monday, June 22, 2009


Man, I'm such a nub. >//////<
This is my second time today posting
But, whatever!!
I'm basket-balling with Jenny, aka Supernoob.
I'm so pro at this game. Just kidding.
My mother's making me play on account of my height.

Or lack of it.
You know what , Mommy?
I like basketball!!
I contemplated the meaning of life.
Some say it's experience, love, or freedom.
I say it's food.
I watched a bug crawl across my backyard today.
Made me sad, because eventually, that bug will die.
Just like my fun factor. >____<''
And for some reason, I remembered the commencement practice. O.o
These two guys in front of Dayna and me were eating roses(O____o), and one of them threw a rose at the ground.
Mrs. Nicholas came by, saw the rose, and handed it to me.
Iono 'bout you, but I didn't take that as flattering.
Do I look like I want a bitten rose, lady?
Hurrr......adam apples are funny....hooray for inside jokes!
Oh, one more thing before I go, because my battery is running low(yay! unprecedented rhymage!):
Never ever watch the Youtube video of the drowning peanut.
You will cry. :( Poor, poor peanut.


I just finished three lessons of Algebra 2, and now I'm cranky.
Well, yeah.
Just ate a bowl of ramen, but nobody cares about that.
Have I told you how much I miss going to school?
Goals for this summer(might as well type them down):
To grow(always!)
To learn Algebra 2(no one likes a high school dropout)
To even out my horrible tan(it looks like I have white socks on. >w<)
To get one of those cute, droopy berets(Does anyone have any suggestions on where I should get these? Wanna give me one?)
To get a sheer scarf(I lub those!)

Yeporooni. I guess that's all. Wait!! One more!
To go to a Ralston reunion. ;~;

Heh. I should really stop.
Frooty tooty toot.
Summer lovin' had me blast..
Summer lovin' happened so
Met a girl crazy for me....
Met a boy cute as can be...
days driftin' on by,
But to uh-oh those summer nights.

It's times like these where I'm glad to live in a world that has access to a lyrics database.
Well, I better go before I sing-shudders-High School Musical(no offense, Momo)

Summer boredom is truly a scary thing.