Saturday, August 15, 2009


Ahaha, so I went to the Block today.
Hence, the really badly executed joke-slash-title.
Well, we dropped by Wet Seal, Forever 21, and a couple other stores.
I went to try on the clothes at Forever 21, and I was clearly the shortest person in line
for the dressing rooms.
And people kept asking me if I needed help.
Help for what?!
Just because I'm short, it doesn't mean I'm mentally ill.
Oh, and then Shayla went to eat some weird-looking yogurt at the Village Dolce.
One flavor was gray.
Oh, there was this little boy who was frantically jumping down in front of his mother, who was carrying a Victoria's Secret bag.
He was all like, "I wanna see what's in the bag! I wanna see what you bought, Mommy!"
He said this about 3 more times.
Frustrated, the mother showed him what was inside the bag.
After he did what he desired, he stopped talking altogether, and looked sadly down to his toes.
That poor, little boy.
Wonder what he saw?
Shayla loves Hot Topic, therefore we went to Hot Topic.
And again, I am scared out of mind of that place, so I sat outside with my FATHER.
(FATHER must always be capitalized, because he is the GREATEST.)
And thus ends my day, down THE BLOCK.
.....(saying it two times isn't going to make it any funnier is it?)
Ooh, Jenny sent me a personality quiz!
Take the free personality test!