Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Herro there.

Sorry fer not posting anything in two days(right?).
It's not as if anybody reads my posts(well, only one person).
Nothing happened to me today, except I discovered, like, five different awesomely awesome
(sparkly eyes)
Yep, I've got no life.
But, yeah, that's basically why I couldn't post anything up.
Blame it on the bishounen!<33
Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu, since I've got nothing to do, Imma check out my horoscope!!

Nothing unfortunate can occur to you;
you'll be in a position to orient or reorient your destiny in a positive way. A
favorable week to renovate your lodgings and make it more comfortable.
Complicity relationships with your beloved one. Show more tolerance toward your
nearest and dearest, for you aren't as easy to live with as you think you are.
If you suffer from a chronic disease, try to find a new treatment; with this
astral climate, your chances of a cure will be

excellent; alternative medicines will
prove favorable to you.

Compatible with: Gemini
Boring, isn't it?
Raise your hand if you're a Gemini! I need a new friend!

Just kidding, I only need my bishounen!!<33
(bishounen are incredibly good-looking male characters, usually from manga. Like Rihito-san.)
Oh, my sister found thise awesome Pikachu bowl!! ♥

Pikachu's a bit orange, ain't he?
Wait, I was going to write something...............(thinks)
Do you like my marshmallow picture?
The most justified diplay of cannibalism ever!
I'm really bored!!
Someone save me, please!!
Well, time to go eat vanilla wafers.....Mmmm~
